Our Services

Our Services

GP Extended Access

We offer routine bookable primary care appointments with GPs, Nurses and Health Care Assistants outside normal working hours, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

If you require a specialist referral following your extended access appointment, we will work in collaboration with your own GP to arrange this.

How do I Book?

Speak to the receptionist at your registered GP surgery, who will be able to book you an appointment. 

You will be given a choice on where you would like to book your appointment and once agreed the receptionist will confirm the date and time of the appointment of the information on where you will be seen.

These appointments are for non-urgent, routine medical problems only. If you feel you are unwell and need to be seen urgently on that day, please ask your own surgery to arrange to see you.

Paramedic Services

Our Paramedics can be found across our four surgeries providing a range of advanced clinical services, prescribing and supporting our GPs.

Pharmacist Services

Our Pharmacists work across our four surgeries conducting medication reviews, safety checks and answering medication queries.

Social Prescribing

Social prescribing is a way for local agencies to refer people to a link worker. Link workers give people time, focusing on ‘what matters to me’ and taking a holistic approach to people’s health and wellbeing. They connect people to community groups and statutory services for practical and emotional support.

Some of the support available in the local area:

Change Grow Live is a Drug and Alcohol volunteer led and community-based service. It is free and requires no appointments. They offer support and advice for all aspects of Alcohol and Drug misuse.

Mind CPSL is a mental health charity who are a highly collaborative organisation, providing a range of strengths-based services and projects to support recovery from mental health problems and promote positive mental health.

Ramblers are Britain’s biggest and most vibrant walking community. They aim to offer a range of regular walks in various locations across the market towns of Fenland and surrounding villages. There are walks to suit all abilities and each walk is led by at least one of our lovely Walk Leaders. 

National Helplines

AIDS/HIV (Dhiverse)01223 508805
Alcoholics Anonymous0845 7697 555
Benefits Agency (Peterborough)01733 297637
Camquit0800 018 4304
Carers (Huntingdon)0845 241 0954
ChildLine0800 11 11
Child Protection (NSPCC)0808 800 5000
CINTRA (Cambridge) (Translation Service)01223 346870
Citizens Advice Bureau0844 245 1292
Cruse (Bereavement)0844 477 9400
Family Lives0808 800 2222
Samaritans0845 790 9090
Rape Crisis Centre (Peterborough)01733 317899
Relate01223 357424
Sexual Health Information Line0300 123 7123
Social Care and Health (Cambridge) – Adults0345 045 5202
Social Care and Health (Cambridge) – Children0345 045 5203